

Site survey took place this week (26/9/12)

Soil testing due shortly. The Pokhara valley base especially in its southern end around the hospital site is composed of a mix of sand, small and very large boulders. Problems with other buildings in the town mean that we have been advised to do deep soil tests including bore holes. The area is at risk from earthquake so we are taking special care with seismic building preparation.

John Sanday associates (JSA) are the architectural firm preparing the plans and engineering drawings. They have long experience in the region. Sketch plans have been submitted and approved. Full engineering drawings are due by November and then the tendering process will begin, with a view to starting building in early or mid 2013.

Business case development. The intention is that the hospital should become sustainable by charging those that can afford it for treatment, and also running courses. Poorer patients will also be treated and for this we will need to run a poor fund with charitable donors. Presenting a full and detailed plan is a current high priority that many are working on.