Bookings & Appointments
You can now book an appointment online at INF Nepal Green Pastures Hospital.

Please click the button above or use the following URL for online OPD ticket booking:
You can use Khalti Mobile App, Mobile Banking, Connect Ips and SCT card payment for online payment.
The INF Ear Treatment and Training Centre at Green Pastures Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre, Pokhara has the following opening times:
Out-patient and Audiology services, (including hearing aid fitting and repair)
- Sunday till Thursday: 9.30am – 4.00pm
- Friday: 9.30am– 3.30pm
- Saturday and out of hours: Closed except for emergencies (for genuine acute emergencies, assessment will be by the GPH on call medical officer, with expert advice available when needed).
Please first go to the reception counter in the Ear Centre main entrance hall to obtain a ticket number and medical record folder. After treatment we will retain one copy for future use, and you will be provided with a second copy for your records.
Whenever possible please bring with you:
- All your past medical records
- All surgical records
- Scans or X-ray films (not just reports)
- Blood test results
- Hearing test results
- Hearing aids
- Names of any medicines you have been using
All these will help us to provide the best possible treatment for you, and without delay.
In-patient services
Available as needed 24 hours a day.
Contact details
Reception +977 61431015
Ward +977 61430548