

The Ear Centre helps those with any form of ear-related condition.

All types of ear problem, including: infection, pain, discharge, hearing loss, balance problems. Sometimes there are ear related problems such as lumps or tumours near the ear, or nose problems that affect the ear. These will also be assessed and treated.

The Ear Centre does not offer a full ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat service). It is a super specialist centre for ear and ear related problems.

Treatment is by a team of doctors and paramedical staff with postgraduate qualifications and specialist training. Patients of all ages are seen, including babies, young children and the elderly.

Most specialist investigations including a wide range of hearing tests are available on site (certain scans can be arranged nearby).

Available on site are:

  • Fibre-optic flexible, rigid and video-endoscopy of ear, nose and throat
  • Microscope suction and Ear syringing of ears, for earwax, infection, and to aid diagnosis
  • Dressings and minor procedures

Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) clinic

Specialist care is available, with regular clinics in the Ear Centre

Vertigo, Dizziness and Vestibular disorders facilities.

Staff are trained to assess and treat patients with dizziness, vertigo, imbalance, and related disorders.

  • Specialist physiotherapy and counselling.
  • Special tests of balance including VEMPs and Video Caloric test.
  • Tinnitus and hearing therapy

The audiologists are available to give specialist advice and counselling.


Please find patient information in Nepali here

Bookings and appointments:

Book an appointment online at INF Nepal Green Pastures Hospital


Please click the button above or use the following URL for online OPD ticket booking:


You can use Khalti Mobile App, Mobile Banking, Connect Ips and SCT card payment for online payment.

Contact us for further information.

Reception ‭+977 61431015

‭Ward +977 61430548
