April 1, 2016
The garden is being planted – all we need now is lots of rain to get the grass growing! For an aerial view of how things are progressing, take a look here.
Eka Dev’s Notebook
We’re introducing something new, Eka Dev’s Notebook. From time to time Eka Dev will be filing interesting stories covering recent activities at the Ear Hospital. Here are the first:
24th March 2016
At 9am in Fewa city Hospital in Pokhara we have chance meeting one gentleman, with his excited smile and Namaste. When he saw us he looks very happy and he started to tell us about his son’s post op ear about 6 year back, first ear at a small ear camp run in Fishtail hospital Pokhara by Dr Mike Smith and INF team, which is very good and second ear in Pokhara camp on November 2013.
He was looking for Dr Mike Smith to treat again for the second ear because still some small problems on it, therefore he is so happy and he said us I am feeling so grateful, he was keep saying about mike are you staying in Nepal, and same time we advised him to come our New Ear Hospital to see his second ear.
He promised us I will advertise about ear hospital and Mike and bring more people who are suffering from Ear problems.
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A lady of 60 years came to our OPD 2 weeks ago with history of both ear itching on/off for last 1 ½-2 years. She had visited many centers outside and treated with multiple oral and topical medications without any relief. On examination she didn’t have any significant findings except some dry scales over the canal. She was treated with just a topical ointment without any oral medications. She was not convinced initially with the type of medication provided, but after good counseling she looked satisfied. Two weeks later, today she came to OPD with a big smile in her face. She was relieved from her symptoms. She is so happy that she says that she’ll now advertise every one with ear problem to visit only this center and not go anywhere else. This is all due to the quality of our service in terms of infrastructure, equipment and hospitality.
Recorded by Dr Sanjay Koirala ENT MS at Ear Centre, 3/2016
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28th March 2016
38years Male postop Client came from Rolpa which is 18 hours journey by public bus, he came with infection on the right ear which was operated on 2014 in Rolpa but his hearing is better after operation. After all examination the doctor suggested him for revision on right ear to make dry and better hearing.
He agreed for surgery but he was alone, and it is impossible to call his family members to Pokhara from Rolpa, because of at home small children, goat, chicken and farm. He tried to find someone to look after but could not found any relative, so we consider his surgery without any family members and relative, and we arranged to look after him after surgery. If client’s dos not have relative and family members it is impossible to do surgery at other hospital but we did because according to INF value is hope and which is impossible to make possible.
The client is fine and feeling grateful with doctors and staff.
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25th March 2016, Good Friday
About 3pm today we (Dr Sanjaya, Mr Surjit Sen and myself Ekadev) were at Bagar in Pokhara, we were planned to go somewhere to celebrate the Good Friday 2016, but my cell phone bell is ringing and the phone call was from the Hospital the security man (Manoj) was calling to inform about the postop patients from Tansen Rampur which is one full day journey by public bus to Pokhara. Therefore we decided to go to Hospital to manage postop which was done two weeks back by Dr Sanjaya and we called him to remove the pack from his post op ear and fill Neosporin ointment in to the post op ear. After removed the pack The post op was looks good and we filled Neosporin in to his ear and gave him a 10 ml Ciproflox D drop to put in to his ear after a week for one week and we advised him to come again after two month for final follow-up and we teach him how to care, keep clean, and dry for post op ear and other ear he came with his mom and his aunty they all were very happy from beginning, so I asked them why you are looks very happy?
The mom was started to tell us with big smile we came from far but the hospital is closed due to holiday but after a phone call you were came to hospital so fast and what you are doing is very good job for us and other people, the hospital is new, good services, and low cost therefore we are very happy and we will tell more people about your hospital services and good job by hospital staff.
After that comment we three also very happy and we felt so grateful, same time we three agreed this is the “GOOD FRIDAY” and felt challenge because we should keep continues good job and more development in future to keep people happiness.