


There are numerous flights into Kathmandu airport, which lies in a valley, with the Himalayas to the North. Some new international airports are planned (e.g. Pokhara,) but these are not yet open to international flights. Most flights from Europe change either in Delhi or the Middle East (e.g. Gulf, Qatar, Etihad). Many international airlines now operate, such as Turkish airlines and various Chinese airlines.

The easiest way to travel from the airport is by taxi that can be booked at fixed rates at the booking counter as you leave the main exit doors.

Internal flights vary, from the regular routes such as to and from Pokhara, to the much more adventurous into remote and often mountainous areas. Sightseeing mountain flights are also available from Kathmandu and Pokhara. Internal flights leave from the domestic terminal in Kathmandu which is adjacent to, but separate from the International terminal.
Local flight delays and cancellations are not uncommon. It is unwise to arrive or leave on an international flight within several hours of making a local flight. An overnight stay in Kathmandu between flights is usually the best idea and can be combined with sightseeing.

Some of the planes and helicopters are elderly and there are occasional serious incidents. Pilots are generally very cautious and will not fly if weather conditions are in doubt.

Road travel is variable, the limited road system is expanding rapidly and main routes are getting busier. Most roads are single carriageway. The roads in remoter areas are often gravel and can be prone to flooding and landslides, delays are not uncommon. Sometimes there are political strikes and roads are closed, usually for less than one day.

Road journeys are considerably cheaper than air, but journeys are much longer (e.g. 6-10 hours from Kathmandu to Pokhara). There are numerous tourist buses and mini buses. Travel in local and tourist buses is generally safe but it is best to avoid night buses.