

Ear Aid Nepal is a charity established to promote good ear health and treat and prevent hearing disability in Nepal.

The charity is closely associated with, but not exclusively to, the International Nepal Fellowship (INF). It is committed to the development of the Ear Hospital and Training Centre (Ear Hospital Treatment and Training Centre, ETTC) at Green Pastures Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre, in Pokhara, Nepal. This establishment provides care, training and education for the population of Western Nepal and local health professionals. EAN also supports other groups on an ad hoc basis, e.g. its bursaries for local medical staff to attend specialist courses, and supporting individual (fully assessed) patients in need.

The key objectives of the charity are:

Specialist Advice

  • To provide specialist advice to support the ETTC and the Ear services programme and team of INF, including community work, primary ear health workers, and health education initiatives.
  • To provide specialist advice to the hospital management team to enable high quality, effective patient care.

Education and Training

  • To act as a resource for education and training for those involved in promoting good ear care to individuals in Nepal and the Himalayan region.
  • To generate and support research projects relating to ear disease in Nepal and the Himalayan region.

Fund Raising

  • To raise fund to promote ear care to individuals in Nepal and the Himalayan region.
  • To help maintain and equip the Ear Treatment and Training Centre and its outreach programmes
  • We are the principal donor to the medical charity (poor) fund that subsidises some patients (after needs assessment) at the ETTC. We rely totally on your generosity, to continue to support the underprivileged in this way.


  • To act as a support network for those involved in providing good ear care to individuals in Nepal and the Himalayan region.
  • To provide a source of information for volunteers interested in supporting the projects providing ear care in Nepal and the Himalayan region.
  • To attract a multidisciplinary volunteer workforce to support sustainable provision of ear care and training in Nepal and in the Himalayan region.